- 2017/04/11
EFHR meeting NGO representatives as a part of fighting hate speech

On the 10th of April in NGO Avilys main office a meeting of NGO representatives took place to fight hate speech. National Institute for Social Integration (Nacionalinis socialinės integracijos institutas) was hosting the meeting. The meeting was attended by representatives of EFHR Agnieszka Malinauskait, Virginija Prasmickait, the representative of Civil Liberties Union for Europe Kristina Normantait and many more.
Representatives shared their ideas and suggestions on fighting hate speech. They informed about new projects that could help National Institute for Social Integration MYLIU PANDA (LOVE PANDA) campaign. Its’ aim is to pass the skills of critical and creative thinking among youth and adults. Thanks to such initiatives probability of spreading hate speech, violence and discrimination in everyday life is smaller. Mascot of the project is panda that encourages to love and social openness. Idea was inspired by the project “No Hate Speech Movement”.
Attendants of the meeting came up with the idea of creating Facebook group profile to update news on projects, courses and meetings.
EFHR actively fights hate speech by organizing courses about it, monitoring internet space and looking for hate comments. 588 submissions have been filed to prosecutors’ offices – 50 cases are won.
EFHR wants to thank National Institute for Social Integration for invitation and hopes to cooperate.