- 2018/08/29
The newest member of EFHR – trainee Veronika Lisauskaitė

Veronika Lisauskaitė – is an International Politics and Development fourth year bachelor student of Vytautas Magnus University. During her studies Veronika was interested not only in history of diplomacy, political system, international economics, conflict resolution fields, but also she had a chance to study the international and migration law.
Veronika was deepening her knowledge in one of the oldest universities in Italy – University of Pavia, in Lombardy Region, North Italy. She went there with ERASMUS + program, and spent there six months with hard task – she needed not only follow master degree courses of qualified lectures but also, get knowledge about migration law directives and implementation of them. Main topics that Veronika was following – Common European Asylum System, violations of human rights, crisis of migration. Despite hard tasks, student came back with highest grades of evaluation, Italian language skills and big desire to deepen knowledge about principles of international law.
Internship in the European Foundation of Human Rights will be a great possibility to deepen theoretical information and get acknowledge about human rights violation in Lithuania, also to gain practical skills. Veronika’s internship term is for two months, during them Veronika wants to learn more about specific of layers job, minorities rights and violation, won cases and successful practice of security of human rights.
In free time Veronika likes to travel, learn new languages, read and follow world news. Also, intern Veronika was dancing for ten years that rise creativity and responsibility in her.
The trainee hopes to be successful additional part of the team, because she thinks that job done in the group is much more productive, useful than one that done alone!