• 2015/08/03

EFHR has finished the EVS “Youth for human rights” project

EFHR has finished the EVS “Youth for human rights” project

slide_erasmus_plus_bgIn June of this year, the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) completed the long-term EVS project which started in September 2014. The project, called “Youth for Human Rights”, was financed by the European Union within the framework of the Erasmus + programme.

For 10 months two volunteers – one from Poland, with “Odra-Niemen Association” as the sending organization and one from Hungary, with “Multikultúra Egyesület” as the sending organization – worked with us at the EFHR headquarters. During the stay, both volunteers gained the chance to take part in many activities, the aim of which was promoting human rights, including those of national minorities. All activities were planned to develop their characters and skills (like organizational, analytical and communication skills).

The volunteers took part in a number of events, from helping us prepare for and run training courses on hate speech in schools, co-leading a lecture for the German youth, organizing an event for International Day Against Fascism and Anti-Semitism, co-organizing an event for International Human Rights Day at M. Romeris University, the participation in the production and preparation of the project “Europeans, Poles, Citizens”, “We are similar”. During the voluntary service, the volunteers visited the Parliament of Lithuania, ran International Volunteer Day and organized contests via the Foundation’s Facebook page. Moreover, they went on educational trips with EFHR.

You can read about the impressions of our Hungarian volunteer in this interview. Feel free to visit our gallery too.

We are pleased to inform you that in September we will begin our next long-term EVS project called “Promote Diversity, promote human rights”. This time we will host volunteers from Poland and Great Britain. More information about this project will be available soon in the “Projects” section of our site.

If you want to become a volunteer, contact EFHR and we may be able to help you find the right enrolment institution for you.

The duration of the stay: 2-12 months (group project – from 2 weeks to 2 months)

The age of candidates: 18-30 years old

Costs: All costs related to the voluntary work are covered by the European Union (accommodation, board, transport, pocket money and language courses). More information can be found on our website.





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